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Advised the Managers on the issuance of U.S.$62,000,000 listed bonds

Chungs Lawyers, the associated firm of DeHeng Law Offices in Hong Kong, being the legal advisers to the Managers, advised Tongren Energy Investment Group Limited (铜仁市能源投资集团有限公司) (the “Issuer”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) on its issuance of U.S.$62,000,000 6.0% bonds due 2023, and listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Hong Kong Stock Exchange").

Established in 2012, the Group is substantially controlled by the Tongren City SASAC (铜仁市国有资产监督管理局) and is one of the predominant investment groups in Guizhou Province, with a focus on construction, sales of natural gas, charging piles and supply of electricity in Tongren City, Guizhou Province. Leveraging on the development of Tongren City and Guizhou Province, strong shareholder’s support and an experienced management team of the Group, the Group has participated in most of Tongren City’s key construction projects.

Listing of the bonds on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange commenced on 19 September 2022 (Stock code: 5537).

The Partner of Chungs Lawyers, the associated firm of DeHeng Law Offices in Hong Kong, Lily Liang, led the team including Jason Wong, Vanessa Lai, Darryl Ting, Christina Yip, Connie Ip, Catherine Kwok, Dexter Yeung, Lilian Kwong, Fairy Wang, Evelyn Fan, Jeff Wang, Andy Kwok, Neil Wang, Sherry Zhang, Liz Tang, and Vince Chan.

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