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Advised SEMK on certain litigation matters in connection with its Listing on the Main Board

On 17 January 2022, Semk Holdings International Limited (“SEMK”) successfully listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (stock code: 2250).

In this project, Chungs Lawyers (in association with DeHeng Law Offices) acts as the legal advisers to SEMK as to Hong Kong laws in respect of certain litigation matters.

SEMK is the second largest domestic character IP company and ranked fifth among all character IPcompanies in China, in terms of character licensing revenue in 2020, and with a market share of around 2.4% according to the Frost & Sullivan Report.

IPs and its brand are at theheart of the business of SEMK, and its business comprises the creation, design, licensing, brand management and marketing of its self-created, self-owned and iconic B.Duck Family Characters across multi channels. Since B.Duck gained in popularity in the Mainland China and Hong Kong market, SEMK has created 25 other characters, being family members and friends of B.Duck, including but not limited to Buffy, B.Duck Baby, Dong Duck and Bath’N Duck.

Chungs Lawyers (in association with DeHeng Law Offices) worked closely and actively with other professional parties to provide professional, comprehensive and efficient legal services for this project.

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