Lawrence Chan has been admitted as a solicitor since 2002. He is also a Fellow Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA) and a Fellow Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (FCPA). Lawrence specializes in commercial, insolvency, banking, professional negligence, property and trust litigation. He is involved in heavy weight civil litigation particularly in the fields of insolvency, banking and professional negligence. He has a substantial banking practice and also acts for many of Hong Kong’s leading liquidators. He is involved in various high profile insolvency matters involving parallel proceedings in different jurisdictions. Lawrence has represented bank clients in high profile litigation cases involving sophisticated investment products.
Acting for (provisional) liquidators of the listed companies, including (1) Hsin Chong Group Holdings Limited, Stock Code: 404; (2) Up Energy Development Group Limited, Stock Code: 307; (3) Baker Group International Holdings Limited, Stock Code: 1190; (4) Skyfame Realty (Holdings) Limited, Stock Code: 59; (5) Sunlink International Holdings Limited, Stock Code: 2336; (6) China Packaging Group Company Limited, Stock Code: 572; (7) Tack Fat Group International Limited, Stock Code: 928; (8) Anxin-China Holdings Limited, Stock Code: 1149; and (9) Grande Holdings Limited, Stock Code: 186, for making various applications to the HKEx for resumption of trading of shares and/or to the Court for:- (i) sanction to implement schemes of arrangements (ii) validation orders; (iii) conversion of compulsory winding-up into a creditors’ voluntary winding-up; (iv) orders for oral examination of directors and production of documents; (iv) setting aside unfair preference transactions; (v) injunctions restraining the majority shareholders from exercising their voting rights to defeat a proposed restructuring; (vi) different sorts of sanction; (vii) assistance of the Court for serving the Orders of Winding-up and Appointment of Liquidators on the PRC governmental and judicial authorities for the latter’s recognition of the liquidators’ role and powers.
Acting for the (Provisional) Liquidators of:- (1) National Arts Entertainment and Culture Group Ltd, Stock Code 8228; and (2) Asia Aluminum Limited (formerly listed with Stock Code: 930) and its group companies to get recognition of their roles and powers in the places of incorporation of the companies, including BVI, Bermuda, Samoa and China and to get concurrent approval of the Scheme of Arrangements with the creditors of the company from courts in different jurisdictions (Hong Kong, BVI and Bermuda).
Acting for listed companies, including (1) Sound Global Ltd., Stock Code: 967; (2) China Qinfa Group Limited, Stock Code: 866; and (3) China Investment Fund Company Limited, Stock Code: 612 in handling the listing compliance matters and/or resumption of trading of shares etc..
Acting for listed companies, auditors, banks , licensed persons and individuals in the investigations and enquiries conducted by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Securities and Futures Commission.
Acting for various law firms in defending professional negligence claims upon instructions of a professional insurance company.
Acting for the international audit firms in defending audit negligence claims and other disciplinary proceedings, and pursuing audit negligence claims on behalf of the liquidators.
Acting for the international banks in high profile litigation against high-net-worth individuals involving sophisticated investment products.